Wednesday, November 17, 2004

House ethics

I've gotten pretty jaded in regards to political behavior in both our major parties. Yet the lengths that DeLay will go to in order to increase power I would imagine are stunning to most observers, but at least are the actions of one man. While it's patently hypocritical for the Republicans to invalidate rules regarding party leadership they instituted themselves in order to protect their own leadership it's not particularly surprising. What's surprising is that they made their prior to any indictment of Delay. Does that mean there's no chance he won't be indicted? In other words that's a lot of egg to take on the face should no indictment actually come forth.

I suppose the saddest part in all this is that while I have no love of Trent Lott, the fact he lost his leadership position over a what I would assume a spontaneous (though never the less odious) verbal slip Tom DeLay will remain in power despite rather reprehensible behavior.

So verbal slip -- loss your leadership position. Rebuked by ethics committee and possible indictment -- we just may let that slide.

If I was Trent Lott I'd be as mad as a hornet.


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