Friday, November 12, 2004

The south rises again!

That's a theme I've been thinking about for the past serveral days since the election but wasn't motivated to post about until I saw a map comparing the slave states and territories vs the free states and territories up against this year's electoral map.

I guess it's time for all those hold out with "The south will rise again" t-shirts, flags, and bumper stickers to rejoice for their time has come. Congradulations.

And thought the battle lines remain the same the balance of power has shifted as jobs and population continue to shift towards the south. The next census will see northern industral states continuing to bleed electoral votes to the south and the sparsely populated mid-west will largely remain unchanged despite their similarly declining populations. After after all Wyoming, Montana, North and South Dakota are already have them minimum three votes.

So this question remains. As the south absorbs more and more former northerners will they change the politics of the south or will they be assimilated into southern culture? If the pervasive sentiment down here of "We don't care how you do it up north!" is any indication, then to borrow as well worn phrase, resistance is futile.


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