Monday, January 10, 2005

Hannah loses her first tooth!

The tooth fairy visited our humble estate for the first time last night, leaving Hannah a silver dollar. Well, maybe it's gold. I don't know what they call it now -- but it's the coin dollar. I figure we'll probably be seeing a lot of the tooth fairy in the months and years ahead.

Hannah 'discovered' here tooth was loose on the 28th (I think). It was pretty loose then so I don't know how she was able to keep it until yesterday. In fact her tooth apparently was loose even before that as she claims it had been hurting a little when see ate apples prior to the 28th.

Perhaps I'll be able to post a picture of her new smile in the next day or so.

Oh, and happy new year, everyone!

[update 1/10/2005]
As promised, although somewhat belatedly here's the picture of our toothless wonder...


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