Monday, June 27, 2005

Vacation in Orlando

We returned from our Orlando vacation late Friday evening. While the high point of the week for the kids was probably the Magic Kingdom or Sea World for the adults it was the chance to visit with my sister-in-law, Pam. She flew in from Boston and was able to stay for a couple of days, accompanied us on our visit to the Magic Kingdom. She came with Big News and perhaps I can go into more detail in a later post.

This past week also saw a couple of birthdays (my Mom and brother). Unfortunately our travel plans made seeing either of them impossible but I understand they both had great birthdays anyway.

Hopefully a couple of vacation photos will appear here in a day or two.

Update: As promised a few pictures. If you don't have broadband connection... sorry!

Josh on the carousel

Hannah with Mickey

Pam, Josh, and Jan watching the parade

Tea cups, the part where I got sick!

Hanging out at the pool

The kids brave a picture with the killer whale, Shamu

It's a Kodak moment

Monday, June 13, 2005

Early father's day gift

As anyone who knows be very well is probably aware, I'm kind of a Batman junkie. And while from what I've seen so far about the Batman Begins movies coming out next weekend I don't hold out much hope of it being very good movie it does offer the opportunity to find a lot of cool Batman related gizmos. Which brings me to a really cool early Father's day gift I got yesterday -- a Batman DVD player. It's going to replace the extremely fussy 5-DVD changer we had been using. I must say I will not miss our old player one bit!

Thanks Jan!

Friday, June 03, 2005

Daisy Completion

Hannah's Daisy troop had their "Graduation" Ceramony on Wednesday. Now she's on to Brownies. We'll be hitting up on everyone to buy cookies in no time. Anyone for some Thin Mints?